giselinde kuipers

Beauty and inequality | Giselinde Kuipers | TEDxBrusselsWomen

University of Amsterdam | Giselinde Kuipers presents Pierre Bourdieu | AISSR Great Thinkers Series

Giselinde Kuipers - Social differences in the evaluation of the beauty of male and female faces

Giselinde Kuipers: The Expanding Beauty Regime and its Social Consequences.

Hot Politics Lab: Giselinde Kuipers (5.11.2021)

Lessen voor de 21ste eeuw: Giselinde Kuipers

Francesca Protopapa illustrating a talk by Giselinde Kuipers

UvA Dies Natalis 2017: honorary doctorate awarded to Michèle Lamont

Pragmatic Inquiry: How to research particular problems?

'The Mediated Construction of Reality'

Welke rol speelt klasse in Nederland?

Wetenschap en digitale technologie / Science and digital technology

People living in inequality

Ambassador’s Lecture: Trust in the Transatlantic Community

2nd edition of the ERCcOMICS illustrated talks : On Beauty

Eileen Moyer - Gender, sexuality and HIV in urban Africa

Virtually Impossible: The Revolution within Yourself | Amina Gerrbi | TEDxGeorgetown

Inteview Symbolic violence and the crafting of bodies in organizations with WU Vienna

Pierre Bourdieu and Politics

Social Mobility and Inequality: A Dance With The Devil? | Wanda Wyporska | TEDxOxford

KennisCafé: de grap van wetenschap

BilBOlbul 2018 | ERCcOMICS - Alla ricerca della tela infinita

Wanneer kan een grap niet door de beugel?

Thijs Bol - Wage inequality and why some occupations pay higher wages than other occupations